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The UCLA EpiCenter offers a unique interdisciplinary physical and virtual space for biologists, sociologists, historians and philosophers to work cooperatively on the implications of past and current research in the field of Epigenetics. If you would like to join our network, please use the contact us link below.


Epigenetics as a discipline has dramatically altered our perception of genetic information as the sole determinant of phenotypes and phenotypic variation. The "malleability" of our epigenome combined with recent work in transgenerational epigenetics has also led researchers of various fields to reconsider the notion of heredity. Yet, while these important discussions are happening, the very definition of the term Epigenetics is heterogeneous and the implication of epigenetic findings are often misunderstood or misinterpreted.


Researchers at the UCLA EpiCenter work to gain a sociological perspective on current epigenetic research, understand the genesis of the questions important to the field and how they resemble or differ from other models of heredity such as those underlying mutational research. Our work is unique for being deeply integrated with ongoing epigenetic research emerging from the laboratories of Dr Amander Clark and Dr Patrick Allard at UCLA. We also welcome participation and discussions with scientists and social scientists in the field as part of our broader network.

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