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Social Studies of Epigenetics at the 4S Meeting, New Orleans

Dr. Anne Le Goff will participate at a roundtable on “the Politics of ‘Developmental Origins’: Biological Mattering and Social Justice,” at the annual meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science, Sept. 4-7, 2019, in New Orleans. Since its emergence 30 years ago, the DOHaD paradigm, with epigenetics as its driver, has been influential in life sciences and had a strong impact on health policies. Social scientists have analyzed the modalities of construction and implementation of this paradigm, highlighting its reliance on gendered, racialized, and social categories. This roundtable, organized by Dr. Natali Valdez and Dr. Emily Yates-Doerr, will gather social science scholars of epigenetics, Dr. Julie Guthman, Dr. Martine Lappé, Dr. Anne Le Goff, Dr. Megan Warin to further explore these issues.

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